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01Jul 22

Public input requested on transportation projects totaling over $7B

The public is being invited to provide input on hundreds of transportation projects along the Wasatch Front. The projects, totaling more than $7 billion, are deemed a priority by the Wasatch Front Regional Council in conjunction with the Utah Department of Transportation and the Utah Transit Authority to improve mobility, strengthen the economy and enhance quality of life.

03Aug 18
A bicyclist rides the Legacy Trail, part of the Golden Spoke network. Photo courtesy of Rails to Trails Magazine.

Utah’s Golden Spoke Trail Network

WASHINGTON, DC (Rails to Trails Magazine) - Utah recently celebrated its completion of the Golden Spoke trail network, which comprises more than 100 miles of connected, paved trails linking Ogden,…

01Jul 18
Wasatch Choice 2050 logo.

Wasatch Choice 2050

SALT LAKE CITY (Utah Construction & Design) - New regional vision of the Wasatch Front hopes to guide future transportation investments, development patterns and economic opportunities, as Utah’s population is…

19Sep 17
Jon Larsen, former WFRC employee.

S.L. mayor taps new transportation director

SALT LAKE CITY (Deseret News) - Mayor Jackie Biskupski has appointed Jon Larsen as the city’s transportation director. The Transportation Division is responsible for the planning, design and operation of…


WFRC and @utah_mag had the opportunity to meet with the Utah Congressional Delegation this week to highlight issues of importance to MPOs and the critical need for continued federal investment in Utah’s transportation system.

Thank you to our reps & their staff for their time!


Today's #MapMonday features our HTRZ Eligible Areas Map!

A key #WasatchChoiceVision strategy is creating walkable centers—places to live, work & play w/access to jobs, education & commerce. HTRZs boost dev near transit by leveraging future tax revenue.


Another terrific #UtahEO Summit is in the books!

Hosted by the @saltlakechamber and @KemGardnerInst, this event gathers policy thought leaders to discuss Utah's economic future and the upcoming legislative session.

Let's go #2025LegislativeSession!


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