The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) is an Association of Governments (AOG) organized under the Interlocal Cooperation Act of Utah State Law to discuss and study community challenges of mutual interest and concern. It also serves as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Salt Lake and Ogden-Layton Urban Areas.
The mission of WFRC is to build consensus and enhance quality of life by developing and implementing visions and plans for a well-functioning multi-modal transportation system, livable communities, a strong economy, and a healthy environment. To accomplish this mission, WFRC serves as a convener to facilitate collaboration with communities and partners, technical expert to provide trusted subject-matter, planner to proactively plan for the future of our region, and implementer to put visions and plans into action.
The Council has a maximum membership of 27 (21 voting and six non-voting) members, including 19 local elected officials appointed by the county councils of governments in Box Elder (one voting member), Davis (four voting members), Morgan (one voting member), Salt Lake (eight voting members), Tooele (one voting member), and Weber (four voting members) counties. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and Utah Transit Authority (UTA) are each represented by one voting member. In addition, the Council includes two non-voting members, who represent the Utah League of Cities and Towns and Utah Association of Counties, and has the option to add up to five additional non-voting members. Currently, this includes the Utah State Senate, House of Representatives, and Planning Coordinator, as well as Envision Utah.
For additional information regarding the Council, please contact Andrea Pearson.