The preferred scenario identifies in draft form the regional transportation projects needed in the metropolitan area between 2015 and 2040. It is not fiscally constrained or prioritized. The projects as a package aim to meet transportation needs, including any demands that are induced or reduced by these projects.
The preferred scenario represents a significant process and technical effort. It is based on feedback from local governments, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Utah Transit Authority (UTA), other stakeholders, and the public from two rounds of region-wide meetings. The first round of meetings in 2013 provided a general direction as to how to plan the transportation system. The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) discussed four possible growth and development scenarios with local governments, communities, and key partners regarding how and where transportation and corresponding development might take place – both with an eye toward regional market demand and quality of life impacts.
Based on the input received and detailed analysis of costs, mobility, transit use, and many other factors, WFRC prepared a new growth and transportation scenario known as the draft preferred scenario. Communities, stakeholders, the public, and transportation partners reviewed the draft again in early 2014 and WFRC refined it based on that input. Later that year, the Council adopted the preferred scenario as a stable set of transportation projects to prioritize into phases for funding and construction.
After developing the preferred scenario, WFRC identified financial constraints based on anticipated funding, and prioritized projects into phases. This phased, financially constrained draft Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) was developed in the fall of 2014 to become the Draft 2015-2040 RTP.
For additional information regarding the RTP, please contact Jory Johner.