Under the umbrella of the Wasatch Choice 2050, the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) and partners have formed the Training Academy. The Training Academy’s mission is to serve local governments with information on best practices, innovative approaches, current research, and available tools. The academy will promote efficiencies in coordinating training efforts for WFRC programs and areas of focus, highlighting activities that may have occurred or have been successful throughout the region. Through the training events, participants are encouraged the use and knowledge of available resources and tools offered by WFRC and other partners. The academy will provide practical and transferable solutions for economic development, land use, and active transportation.
Please check back soon for upcoming events.
Creating Cohesive Communities
Historic and master-planned communities feature buildings, parks, streets, and parking organized to create a cohesive community. However, most areas are comprised of small pieces of land, each owned separately. This ownership pattern often leads to just a collection of adjacent developments. What strategies can help landowners better coordinate with each other and local governments? How can we all achieve buildings and streets that relate to each other, coordinate parking, put density in the best places, and create high quality parks and plazas in the midst of fragmented parcel ownership? Join us to learn more about this exciting topic.
Mayor McAdams’ Metro Solutions Symposium
The Salt Lake Valley is changing. As the region becomes increasingly urban, policymakers are working to ensure that people can live and work close to the things they need. This approach to facilitating development in regional and town centers close to transit and other transportation choices provides significant benefits to local communities and the entire region. Learn about the progress being made to implement these centers, what challenges lie ahead, and what solutions are available to overcome challenges in your own community.
Form-Based Code: Advantages + Implementation
Form-based codes are ordinances that emphasize form to promote walkable places, can be tailored to fit your community’s vision, and allow development to evolve with changing market conditions. Form-based code is one innovative strategy to implement a community’s vision in a way that meets the needs of residents, city officials and administrators, and developers.
Using South Salt Lake’s Streetcar District as an example, presenters will discuss how to implement this ordinance type. Attendees will hear about the process the City underwent to adopt a successful form-based code. Additionally the developer’s perspective on the advantages of working within the form-based jurisdiction will be highlighted. Finally, a Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) representative will demonstrate the components and the calibration process of the Wasatch Choice Form-Based Code Template. Join us for an informative session that will explore how to encourage quality development through form-based code.