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Fall 2022 Wasatch Choice Workshops

Thank you to our transportation partners, local communities, and stakeholders for the input over the last few months on the draft fiscally constrained 2023-2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The RTP is the transportation component of the Wasatch Choice Vision, is multimodal, fiscally constrained, and the Plan that all transportation related projects come from. WFRC had an opportunity to discuss emerging trends related to transportation and how to best optimize and enhance our transportation system with over 250 local elected officials and staff through the in-person Wasatch Choice Transportation Workshops and at the same time reach out to and meet with dozens of targeted stakeholder groups. Input was gathered from the workshops, in-person meetings, with additional feedback through our online – interactive comment map. In all, we received over 350 total comments on road, transit, and active transportation projects. Comments were reviewed with UDOT, UTA, and one-on-on follow-up with correspondences with local communities. Stay tuned in the new year! Next steps include a public comment period on the Draft 2023-2050 RTP and corresponding Air Quality Conformity Memorandum from January 17, 2023 to February 16, 2023.


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