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Zellerbach Apartments under construction in Sugar House. Photo courtesy of Mike Fife via Building Salt Lake.

WFRC awards over $1 million in grants to area communities

SALT LAKE CITY (Building Salt Lake) – Officials from the region’s planning arm, the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), have long touted the need for a region-wide buy-in on the smart growth practices that will help Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Box Elder and Toole Counties absorb over 1 million more residents by 2050.

For the fifth consecutive year, WFRC and its partners will provide grants to area communities to working to move the region toward greater mobility, smarter development patterns and stronger economic development. This year the group has awarded $1.2 million in grants to fund projects in 17 Wasatch Front communities.

The funding is provided through the Transportation and Land Use Connection (TLC) program in partnership with Salt Lake County, UDOT and UTA, and will be used to advance community plans for transportation infrastructure of all modes, economic development planning, transportation analysis and general land use and community planning…



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