The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) works closely with local, regional, state, and federal governments to promote legislative priorities and implement policies. WFRC works with its members and partners to support sound policies that are centered around or tied to transportation, such as land use, economic development, and air quality.
For additional information regarding government affairs, please contact Miranda Jones Cox.
SB195 Transportation Amendments (2025)
SB195, otherwise known as the annual “transportation omnibus” by Senator Wayne Harper, makes a number of changes to various transportation related programs. Some of those changes include requiring cities to do additional transportation connectivity planning, clarifies Station Area Planning (SAP) reporting requirements, increases the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF) earmark, pushes back the start date of transit innovation grants program, and prohibits Salt Lake City from proceeding on certain transportation projects unless they are included in an approved mobility plan.
HB502 Transportation and Infrastructure Amendments (2025)
HB502 continues to change in its current form. Please find the latest information on the bill in our comprehensive HB502 Summary.
SB26 Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Amendments (2025)
SB26 makes changes to the existing HTRZ statute. Notably, it clarifies definitions of certain transit-related terms, would require that 25% of affordable units have more than one bedroom, and makes additional changes to the administration of an HTRZ. This bill also allows for the creation of a Convention Center Reinvestment Zone, though our summary does not expound on those provisions.
Federal Infrastructure Bill
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provides $1.2 trillion in infrastructure funding, of which $550 billion is new funding above baseline levels over five years for roads, bridges, rail, transit, ports, airports, water, broadband, and other infrastructure programs. The bill also includes a 5-year surface transportation reauthorization.
Federal Transportation Reauthorization Principles
Utah’s transportation agencies and partners have jointly developed a set of Federal Transportation Reauthorization Principles. We worked together to develop these key principles for a multi-year reauthorization that reflects Utah priorities with an eye toward Utah’s unique needs.
First Home Investment Zones (FHIZ)
First Home Investment Zones are a new tool to encourage medium-density centered development and homeownership for first time home buyers within Utah’s municipalities. The bill allows for tax increment capture to accommodate project and system infrastructure costs of the center, and requires certain densities, affordability, deed restrictions, and other requirements.
Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zones (HTRZ)
Utah State law enables a portion of incremental tax revenue growth to be captured over a period of time to support mixed-use, multi-family and affordable housing development within a 1/3-mile radius of UTA FrontRunner stations.
Transportation Reinvestment Zones (TRZ)
Utah State law authorizes the creation of a TRZ by two or more public agencies by interlocal agreement to capture increased property or sales tax revenue generated by a transportation infrastructure project. TRZs are a tool to assist local governments with the funding and implementation of transportation infrastructure.
Local Option Transportation Sales Taxes
Utah State law authorizes the imposition of local option sales taxes for transportation, which is sometimes referred to as “quarters” because generally they are 0.25% tax rates. These local options provide funding for city and county roads and active transportation needs, as well as public transit.