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WFRC Announces Opportunities to Review, Provide Input on the Draft 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program and Public Participation Plan

SALT LAKE CITY — The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), in conjunction with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), has identified hundreds of priority transportation projects totaling more than $10 billion to improve mobility, strengthen the economy, and enhance quality of life along the Wasatch Front. The public is now invited to provide input on the selected projects.

The public comment period on the Draft 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is now open and runs through July 29, 2023. Members of the public can give input via an interactive map linked at or by attending one of two open houses:

Tuesday, July 11 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Salt Lake Central Station at 250 South 600 West in Salt Lake City (area between the TRAX and FrontRunner platforms)

Thursday, July 13 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Ogden Intermodal Center at 2350 Wall Ave. in Ogden (bus loop area)

Representatives will be available at both open houses to answer questions and take comments about the TIP projects.

The Draft 2024-2029 TIP helps to meet current transportation needs while simultaneously addressing critical future priorities throughout the region. Projects are funded with federal, state and local resources for the next six years. Major capacity projects in the TIP are selected from Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan. Utah’s transportation agencies work together to develop Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan using extensive analysis and careful planning to identify and prioritize projects for the coming decades. The transportation system is planned and designed to consider growth, development and quality of life goals under the broader Wasatch Choice Vision.

A variety of projects are included for funding in the Draft 2024-2029 TIP, including new on-route chargers at key locations for UTA’s new electric buses, expansion of the GreenBike program in Salt Lake City and Ogden, widening of 1200 West in Brigham City, as well as expansion of the Davis Weber Canal Trail. 

Additionally, WFRC seeks public input on the Draft Public Participation Plan which is updated every four years. WFRC is committed to giving everyone the opportunity to participate and stay informed in regional planning decisions. The Public Participation Plan describes the many ways WFRC encourages early and continuous public involvement in its activities. The public is invited to review and provide comments on the draft Plan now through August 8, 2023. Public comment can be provided via webform, emailing, mailing comments to WFRC, as well as providing comments in person.

Requests for information, questions, or comments may be directed to Mike Sobczak via e-mail at, @WasatchCouncil on Twitter, or via mail to 41 North Rio Grande Street, Suite 103, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.

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