Wasatch Choice 2050 (WC2050) provides a long-range plan for coordinated regional transportation, land use, and economic development.
The Wasatch Choice Vision (Vision) was developed in collaboration with member communities and transportation partners for approximately four years via an open process. In early 2018, communities refined the draft Vision Map through sub-region meetings and consultation with local city planners. All told, the Vision has been built through extensive engagement with local governments, stakeholders, and the public.
In May of 2018, the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) endorsed the Vision. Below are the elements of the Vision that were considered for endorsement.
- The regional goals were adopted by WFRC in 2016 and are the desired outcomes to be achieved. The goals inform future transportation investment decisions, as well as local community considerations regarding the use of land and the pursuit of economic development opportunities.
- The WC2050 Vision Map is a blueprint for regional transportation, land use, and open space, and explicitly considers how these elements should work together geographically. Overall, the Vision Map represents the long-term vision of the communities along the Wasatch Front and Back. Communities have expressed the desire to implement the Vision within their local plans and ordinances in conversations with residents and business owners. The Vision Map is implemented in WFRC’s Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).
- The key strategies represent the overarching themes in the WC2050 Vision and help achieve the Regional Goals. The key strategies are as follows.
- Provide Transportation Choices: Help us have real options in how we choose to get around and increase the number of easily reached destinations.
- Support Housing Options: Support housing types and locations that we can both afford and work best for our lives.
- Preserve Open Space: Preserve sufficient and easily accessible open lands that provide us recreational opportunities.
- Link Economic Development with Transportation and Housing Decisions: Create a synergy between these three key building blocks. Enable shorter and less expensive travel to afford us more time and money. Efficiently utilize infrastructure to save taxpayer dollars. Provide housing options and increase housing affordability. Improve the air we breathe by reducing auto emissions.
The ABCs of the Vision are the foundation for the 2019-2050 RTP, 2019 CEDS, and will be considered for local land use and economic development implementation.
For additional information regarding the RTP, please contact Jory Johner.