The Wasatch Front Economic Development District (WFEDD) undertakes a regional approach to economic development that aligns with the Wasatch Choice Vision, and is supported by its member counties, including Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake, Tooele, and Weber. The WFEDD’s mission is to support economic development plans, promote long-term economic competitiveness, and attract federal monies in order to implement local plans.
The Wasatch Front Economic Development District (WFEDD) implements its missions through the key objectives, opportunities, and initiatives for economic development outlined in the CEDS. There are four key anchors for improving the Region’s economic development ecosystem can be found in the 2023-2028 CEDS.
- Promoting City and Town Centers – Promoting the advantages of city and town centers, offering resources to assist communities in comprehending and implementing the Wasatch Choice Vision, advocating for transportation-oriented and center-based development, supporting housing solutions, emphasizing benefits of parks and open spaces to foster sustainable, connected, and thriving communities.
- Facilitating Economic Development Capacity – Identify and communicate available funding opportunities, offering technical assistance to aid communities in accessing funding, and convening regional partners to bolster the state’s establishment of a professional network for economic development and creating best practices.
- Supporting Human Capital Development – Convene partners to recognize and address barriers hindering participation in the labor force and narrowing completion and attainment gaps, educate stakeholders on the pivotal role economic centers play in enhancing workforce outcomes, and advocate for legislative support.
- Leveraging a Diverse Business Environment – Refine business recruitment objectives, educate businesses on the potential advantages of automation of machine learning, and artificial intelligence tools, and advocate for the adoption of green, efficient, and sustainable technologies.
The District revises the CEDS every five years, and submits an annual CEDS performance report, as required to the Economic Development Administration. The WFEDD furthers regional economic development activities through the coordination of longer-term planning activities, collaboration and partnerships, and the implementation of the region’s CEDS. The CEDS analyzes the region’s economic conditions, including regional economic strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. The WFEDD Strategy Committee is responsible for the creation and implementation of the region’s CEDS.
The WFEDD operates under the auspices of the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) – a public organization established under state-enabling legislation for the creation of multi-jurisdictional area-wide planning. The WFEDD received federal designation as an economic development district from the US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) in August 2014. The WFEDD is financially supported by our member counties and the US Economic Development Administration.
For additional information regarding the WFEDD, please contact Marcia White.
Header photo courtesy of the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development.