Events List
6 events found.
placeholder: JPAC- facilitated by UDOT
formal invitation to be sent to those involvedTooele Valley Regional Planning Organization
to be confirmedWFRC Active Transportation Committee Meeting-2024
Wasatch Front Regional Council, 41 N Rio Grande St, Salt Lake City, UT 84101, USA,, WFRC - 41 N. Rio Grande St-2-Rio Grande Boardroom (78)In person meeting, with a virtual option──────────Jordon Chandler, WFRC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 863 6183 2616Passcode: 544860---One tap mobile+16699009128,,86361832616#,,,,*544860# US (San Jose)+17193594580,,86361832616#,,,,*544860# US---Dial…
Assoc. of Municipal Councils
Murray City HallWasatch Front Economic Development District mtg-2024
──────────Rosie Hernandez, WFRC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 899 6045 4332Passcode: 492104---One tap mobile+16699009128,,89960454332#,,,,*492104# US (San Jose)+17193594580,,89960454332#,,,,*492104# US---Dial by your location• +1 669 900…