This year's total TLC program funding awarded approximately $2.1 million from the intergovernmental partnership, with local matches equaling approximately $260,000, for a total region-wide funding amount of $2.4 million - a record high, reflecting the significant demands growth is placing on our communities.

Council seeks feedback on transportation, land-use investments
SALT LAKE CITY (Deseret News) – The Wasatch Front Regional Council is looking for feedback from Utah residents as it explores three scenarios that identify future transportation and land-use investments.
Ten regional goals have been adopted by the council, with input from transportation agency partners, cities and counties. These goals include livable and healthy communities; access to economic and educational opportunities; manageable and reliable traffic conditions; quality transportation choices; safe, user-friendly streets; clean air; housing choices and affordable living expenses; fiscally responsible communities and infrastructure; a sustainable environment; and ample parks, open spaces and recreational opportunities…