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Transportation and Land Use Connection (TLC) 2023 Awards Announced

This year's total TLC program funding awarded approximately $2.1 million from the intergovernmental partnership, with local matches equaling approximately $260,000, for a total region-wide funding amount of $2.4 million - a record high, reflecting the significant demands growth is placing on our communities.

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Public input requested on transportation projects totaling over $7B

The public is being invited to provide input on hundreds of transportation projects along the Wasatch Front. The projects, totaling more than $7 billion, are deemed a priority by the Wasatch Front Regional Council in conjunction with the Utah Department of Transportation and the Utah Transit Authority to improve mobility, strengthen the economy and enhance quality of life.

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Wasatch Front Regional Council Announces Open Houses and Interactive Map for Draft 2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Program

Salt Lake City - The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), in conjunction with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), has identified hundreds of priority transportation projects totaling more than $7 billion to improve mobility, strengthen the economy, and enhance quality of life along the Wasatch Front. The public is now invited to provide input on the selected projects.

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