Fall 2022 Wasatch Choice Workshops
Thank you to our transportation partners, local communities, and stakeholders for the input over the last few months on the draft fiscally constrained 2023-2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).
Thank you to our transportation partners, local communities, and stakeholders for the input over the last few months on the draft fiscally constrained 2023-2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).
The Wasatch Front Regional Council is excited to announce the first round of Station Area Planning Technical Assistance (SAP) program awards.
Our August Map of the Month highlights a new interactive map that allows users to set their own criteria to create a custom housing suitability map for any single city or combination of cities in Weber County. We’re working to provide similar information in a region-wide map expected later this year.
UTAH (Utah Planner) - Usually this time of year I like to focus on the state of the chapter. However, the Utah Planner will publish its annual "Year in Review"…