Thank you to our transportation partners, local communities, and stakeholders for the input over the last few months on the draft fiscally constrained 2023-2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).

APA Utah President’s Message: Destination Access
UTAH (Utah Planner) – Usually this time of year I like to focus on the state of the chapter. However, the Utah Planner will publish its annual “Year in Review” article in the January newsletter, so I am focusing my president’s message on something else that occupies much of my professional life.
It was an interesting career shift for me when six years ago I moved from a focus on land use planning to my current position at Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) where I focus more on transportation planning. Of course, land use and transportation are inextricably linked – which was part of my interest in that change.
Streets help define or inform appropriate land uses and urban design…