The 2027-2055 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is more than just a transportation blueprint—it’s a roadmap to bringing the Wasatch Choice Vision to life. The RTP is the transportation element of the Wasatch Choice Vision. Designed to meet the evolving needs of the Wasatch Front over the next three decades, the RTP outlines a comprehensive strategy to enhance and optimize regional roadways, transit systems, and active transportation options. Building on the foundation of previous Wasatch Choice Vision efforts, this plan takes a deep dive into long-term capacity needs, shifting travel patterns, and the connections between transportation, land use, and economic activity. It also considers the demands of new growth areas, ensuring a forward-thinking approach to development.
The 2027-2055 RTP aims to improve our Region’s transportation system and quality of life through a two-pronged approach – optimization and enhancement. The optimization of our system includes policies aimed at moving more people within existing transportation facilities and enabling people to have greater access to opportunities with less traffic. The enhancement of our system includes building additional roads, transit lines, and urban trails, with the goal of providing additional transportation options for people of the Region.
The transportation planning process starts with developing a “preferred scenario” that functions as a “vision” for the future transportation system. The vision considers multiple transportation ideas, scenarios, criteria, and projected future land uses. Once projects are identified and selected to be in the 2027-2055 RTP, they are prioritized based on two key factors: when the project is needed and when funding can reasonably be assumed to pay for the project. This results in the official long-range transportation plan, which strikes a balance between being aspirational and pragmatic. The flow chart below shows how a potential project moves from concept to being considered for implementation. This webpage focuses on the process through identifying projects that should be considered as future Exploratory Concepts or as part of the RTP Preferred Scenario.
WFRC, in partnership with transportation stakeholders and local communities, is developing preliminary screening and technical evaluation criteria for roadway, transit, and active transportation projects to shape a preferred regional vision. These criteria, based on adopted goals and various performance factors, will be used to assess improvements for inclusion in the Wasatch Choice Vision. The 2027-2055 RTP project selection criteria are being created collaboratively with UDOT, UTA, local planners and engineers, the Active Transportation Committee, and the Regional Growth Committee.
WFRC supports earnest exploration of specific policies in order to more fully optimize our transportation system. WFRC is exploring policies as it works toward a preferred scenario for the RTP.
Since the adoption of the 2023-2050 RTP, multiple projects have been studied, planned, and constructed. Major studies have occurred and will help shape the 2027-2055 RTP include the following:
- Construction of major projects
- Additional funding from the Utah Legislature
- Adoption of active transportation master plans across the Region
- Development of the Utah Transit Authority Long Range Transit Plan
- Adoption of Amendment #1 and #2 to the 2023-2050 RTP
- Point of the Mountain Transit EA
- FrontRunner Forward
- I-15 Farmington to Salt Lake City EIS
- Wall Avenue Corridor Plan
- Transit Fresh Look
- Northern Utah Co. Point of the Mountain Freeway Study
- Capitol Hill Study
- 9400 South Study
- Highway 89/91 Corridor Study
- Bangerter Highway 4100 S to California EIS
- Hwy 89 from I-84 to Harrison Blvd. EA
- Local Transportation Master Plans
For additional information regarding the RTP, please contact Jory Johner.