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In-Progress 2027 Regional Transportation Plan

What are the benefits and impacts of the RTP?

The 2027-2055 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) will be a blueprint for a brighter future, delivering tangible benefits to our communities by improving air quality, bolstering our economy, and safeguarding the exceptional quality of life Utahns cherish. With the state’s population expected to significantly increase by 40.7% between 2027 and 2055, proactive and thoughtful transportation planning is essential to meet the demands of growth while preserving what makes Utah special.  

The RTP will lay out a balanced approach, investing in roads, transit, and active transportation to meet the needs of the rapidly changing Wasatch Front region. It will address demographic shifts, rising market demand for diverse housing and transportation options, and the pressing need for sustainable infrastructure. By implementing this plan, we expect to enhance access to jobs and education, improve safety, and ensure the upkeep of our existing transportation system—keeping Utah moving forward while staying true to its values. 

The RTP has an anticipated adoption date of May 2027. Check back in early 2027 to see how the RTP benefits the Region through measures such as access to opportunities, transportation choices, transit use, mode split, travel time, and freight delay!

What are the benefits and the impacts of the Plan?

For additional information regarding the RTP, please contact Jory Johner.

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