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In-Progress 2027 Regional Transportation Plan


As the designated metropolitan planning organization for the Salt Lake and Ogden-Layton Urban Areas, the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) leads the development of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The RTP is the long-term blueprint for our regional transportation system with consideration for how our communities are growing and changing. The plan guides investments across Davis, Salt Lake, Weber, and southern Box Elder Counties and is updated every four years. With input from local governments, transportation agencies, community-based organizations, local stakeholders, and residents, the RTP prioritizes projects that address the Region’s needs over the next 20 years and beyond. The RTP aims to make transportation more convenient, reliable, healthy, and safe. The 2027-2055 RTP will outline investments for all modes of transportation and will form the transportation element of the Wasatch Choice Vision.

The 2027-2055 RTP will be informed by research, discussions, and technical screening and model forecasting to help us understand how the RTP might help us collectively achieve regional quality of life goals (described below). The RTP acknowledges that the Region will not be able to afford all our transportation needs – we must prioritize maintaining a good state of repair, improving safety, and constructing and operating new roadways, transit services, and active transportation facilities. Therefore, the RTP is fiscally constrained within a reasonably anticipated budget using a performance-based planning approach. 

This planning process is coordinated with statewide transportation partners to develop common goals, planning time horizons, performance measures, and financial assumptions, which collectively form Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan.

Where are we in the RTP development process?
Process timeline. Aspirational brainstorming is expected from summer to fall 2024, preferred scenario development is expected to occur between winter and fall 2025, project prioritization is expected to occur between winter and fall 2026, and final plan adoption is expected in May 2027.
Why is the RTP important?

Utah’s rapid growth heightens the importance of strategic decisions made now and in the coming decades. The RTP addresses growth patterns and the movement of people and goods, focusing on issues like air quality, cost of living, and roadway congestion. It looks to the future to consider how transportation infrastructure can work with land and economic development decisions to maximize overall quality of life. Further, this RTP creates a framework for understanding and responding to future uncertainties that have the potential to alter our transportation, land use, and economic systems. By doing so, WFRC hopes to foster resilience in the Region that helps cities and counties respond and adapt to future challenges and changes.

WFRC has increasingly emphasized the integration of transportation, land use, and economic development, leading to the adoption of the Wasatch Choice Vision – a shared vision for regional transportation investments, development patterns, and economic opportunities that aim to improve quality of life. The RTP informs this Vision, developed in partnership with agencies including the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), county and city governments, the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), other agencies, stakeholders, and the public.

What are the Wasatch Choice Vision goals?

Ten goals form the foundation for the development of the Wasatch Choice Vision and the 2027-2055 Regional Transportation Plan. These goals were adopted by the Wasatch Front Regional Council in October 2016.

Livable and healthy communities

Access to economic and educational opportunities

Manageable and reliable traffic conditions

Quality transportation choices

Safe, user-friendly streets

Clean air

Ample parks and public spaces

Housing choices and affordable living expenses

Fiscally responsible communities and infrastructure

Sustainable environment

What are some of the focus areas of the RTP?

Exploratory Projects

The Wasatch Choice Vision and RTP outline a bold and forward-thinking future for our Region. In developing the 2027-2055 RTP, WFRC is placing greater emphasis on exploring innovative and exploratory concepts that can shape our transportation system for years to come. This effort is grounded in a careful balance, integrating visionary ideas with practical considerations of context, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness to ensure sustainable and impactful outcomes for the Region.


To support the region’s growth and adaptability amid future uncertainties—including economic shifts and technological advancements—WFRC is incorporating resiliency in the development of the 2027-2055 RTP. This focus ensures the transportation system remains flexible and capable of meeting the evolving needs of communities, regardless of what the future holds.

Multi-Modal Interaction

When planning transportation systems, analyzing the interactions between different modes of transportation is essential for designing an efficient and user-friendly network. As the 2027-2055 RTP is developed, WFRC is prioritizing strategies to minimize the impacts of planned transportation improvements, ensuring that the network not only meets current mobility needs but also supports economic and community goals. This approach underscores WFRC’s commitment to creating a balanced and integrated transportation system that benefits all users while addressing potential challenges proactively.


WFRC adopted a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan and a resolution to establish the goal of working towards zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries in 2024. WFRC is committed to continue to work on evaluating safety to better understand and address safety in the Region through incorporating a safe systems approach, exploring crash factors related to roadway attributes, and facilitating discussions with local communities about roadway and pedestrian safety.

Performance Measures

Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) uses a performance-based planning and programming framework that incorporates federal and regional priorities and objectives. WFRC assesses the status of the Region relative to adopted regional goals, Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan, and Federal performance goals. Every RTP, we work to strengthen our performance framework, and in 2024 we were selected to participate in a national FHWA Transportation Accessibility Pilot Program to broaden our Access to Opportunity work.


Freight mobility is a key component of the Wasatch Choice Vision. With the steady growth in e-commerce and continuing changing of shopping habits, there is a need to foster the development of an integrated and coordinated multimodal freight network. WFRC supports communities in facilitating goods movement while maintaining livability. WFRC works closely with UDOT and has reviewed the update to the 2023 Statewide Freight Study to advance freight planning and is a part of advanced air mobility discussions with transportation partners.

Check back soon for more information on how you can get involved with the development of the 2027-2055 Regional Transportation Plan! In the meantime, if you’d like to be added to the WFRC Newsletter, click here.

For additional information regarding the RTP, please contact Jory Johner.

2027-2055 Regional Transportation Plan

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