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Adopted 2023-2050 RTP

Preferred Scenario

The purpose of the 2023-2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is to address the transportation needs for the Wasatch Front Region and help make the Wasatch Choice Vision a reality. The 2023-2050 RTP planning process produced a list of planned improvements to regional roadway, transit, and active transportation systems designed to meet the travel needs of the Wasatch Front Region for the next 29i years. The 2023-2050 RTP process reviewed the work done in previous Wasatch Choice Vision efforts, including the Preferred Scenario of the 2023-2050 RTP. The planning process evaluated long-range capacity needs and policies to optimize the transportation system, while examining changes in travel patterns and mode choice, land use, economic activities, and anticipated new growth areas. The 2023-2050 RTP, along with comprehensive economic development strategies and local land use planning, form the basis of the Wasatch Choice Vision, and support its implementation.

The 2023-2050 RTP aims to improve our Region’s transportation system and quality of life through a two-pronged approach – optimization and enhancement. The optimization of our system includes policies aimed at moving more people within existing transportation facilities and enabling people to have greater mobility with less traffic. The enhancement of our system includes building additional roads, transit lines, and urban trails.

Major Changes since the 2019-2050 RTP

Since the adoption of the 2019-2050 RTP, multiple projects have been studied, planned, and constructed. Major studies have occurred and help shape the 2023-2050 RTP include the following:

  • Southwest Salt Lake County – Transportation Solutions Study identified potential solutions to mobility concerns in Southwest Salt Lake County, focusing on,  but not limited to, east-west mobility. The project explored short-, mid-, and long-term solutions that improve mobility in the southwest portion of the Salt Lake valley. 
  • The development of the Utah Transit Authority Long Range Transit Plan.  
  • Construction of major projects. 
  • Unprecedented funding from the Utah Legislature.  
  • The adoption of active transportation master plans across the Region.

Once projects are identified and selected to be on the 2023-2050 RTP, they are prioritized based on when the project is needed and when funding can reasonably be assumed to pay for the project.

Optimization in the Preferred Scenario

System improvements focus on the capacity and operations of regional transportation infrastructure.  There are many other ways that can help connect us to the places we need to go in addition to the form and function of regional facilities – such as optimizing our complementary system of transportation and land use.

The RTP puts forth key considerations that will underpin how specific policy concepts are explored:

Ensure state of good repair

Mitigate growth of travel demand

Explore use of pricing to improve mobility

Improve fit between transportation and land use

Consider long-term needs of all modes of travel when implementing transportation projects.

Prepare for resiliency in the face of uncertainty

Link planning with project development

Maximize the value of emerging technologies

Recommended Forward-Thinking Transportation Policies

WFRC supports earnest exploration of specific policies in order to more fully optimize our transportation system. More information about each of these policies can be found in the 2023-2050 RTP document. Additional studies for each recommended policy are linked below.

Maps and data icon.

Street Connectivity

Connectivity can be defined as multiple routes and connections serving the same origins and destinations. Connectivity has long been known as providing multiple benefits.

For additional information regarding the RTP, please contact Jory Johner.

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