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Adopted 2023-2050 RTP


The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) coordinates closely with cities, counties, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), and Utah Transit Authority (UTA) to understand the needs of our transportation partners and communities. Regional transportation planning is a dynamic process in which amendments to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) ensure the plan appropriately reflects the evolving nature of the transportation system.

UDOTDavisWeber Canyon Bike PathWeber River Parkway to Morgan County lineProject RemovalActive Transportation1
West BountifulDavisPorter Lane Bike LaneLegacy Parkway Trail to 640 WestNew ConstructionActive Transportation1
Multiple cities and townships within Salt Lake CountySalt LakeBonneville Shoreline TrailCounty-wideNew ConstructionActive Transportation1
BluffdaleSalt LakePerry Farm Overhead Pedestrian/Bike CrossingFrontRunner and UP Railroad Tracks @ Cinch WayGrade-Separated CrossingActive Transporation1
UDOTDavis and Salt LakeI-15 EIS - Active Transportation ProjectsI-15 EIS areaNew ConstructionActive Transportation1
KearnsSalt LakeActive Transportation PlanCity-wideNew ConstructionActive Transportation1
LaytonDavisActive Transportation PlanCity-wideNew ConstructionActive Transportation1
TaylorsvilleSalt LakeActive Transportation PlanCity-wideNew ConstructionActive Transportation1
White CitySalt LakeActive Transportation PlanCity-wideNew ConstructionActive Transportation1
UTASalt Lake400 West - American Spur TRAX Extension200 South to 1300 SouthRealignmentTransit1
UTASalt LakeTRAX Orange LineUniversity of Utah to 600 WestReconfigurationTransit1
UTASalt LakeTRAX Orange LineDowntown SLC to SLC International AirportReconfigurationTransit1
HerrimanSalt Lake12600 South6800 West to 7300 WestNew ConstructionRoadway1
BluffdaleSalt LakeFreedom Point WayPorter Rockwell Boulevard to Pony Express RoadNew ConstructionRoadway1
South JordanSalt LakeGrandville Avenue ExtensionOld Bingham to 10200 SouthNew ConstructionRoadway1
UTADavisFrontRunner Grade-Separated Crossing at Hill Field Road@ Hill Field RoadNew ConstructionRoadway1
UTADavisFrontRunner Grade-Separated Crossing at Gordon Avenue@ Gordon AvenueNew ConstructionRoadway1
UTADavisFrontRunner Grade-Separated Crossing at Pages Lane@ Pages LaneNew ConstructionRoadway1
UTASalt LakeFrontRunner Grade-Separated Crossing at 1700 South@ 1700 SouthNew ConstructionRoadway1
UTASalt LakeFrontRunner Grade-Separated Crossing at Vine Street@ Vine StreetNew ConstructionRoadway1
UTASalt LakeFrontRunner Grade-Separated Crossing at 5900 South@ 5900 SouthNew ConstructionRoadway1
UTASalt LakeDavis-SLC Community ConnectorDavis County Line to Research ParkNew ConstructionTransit1
UDOT/UTASalt LakeBig Cottonwood Canyon Core RouteMouth of Canyon to BrightonNew ConstructionTransit1
UDOT/UTASalt LakePoint Innovative Mobility Zone with Dedicated ShuttleDraper FrontRunner Station to Point of the Mountain DevelopmentNew ConstructionTransit1
UDOT/UTASalt LakePoint of the Mountain TransitDraper FrontRunner Station to Utah County lineNew ConstructionTransit1
UDOT/UTASalt LakeFrontRunner Station at the Point of the Mountain Development@ Point of the Mountain developmentNew ConstructionTransit1
FarmingtonDavisNorth Farmington Station, Stop, or TerminalPark Lane to Shepard LaneNew ConstructionTransit1
FarmingtonDavisFarmington Fixed-Guideway Innovative Mobility ZoneFarmington FrontRunner Station to North Farmington Station, Stop, or TerminalNew ConstructionTransit1
UDOTDavisI-15Farmington to 2600 SouthWideningRoadway1
UDOTDavisI-152600 South to Salt Lake County lineWideningRoadway1
UDOTDavisI-15Davis County line to 400 SouthWideningRoadway1
UDOTDavisI-15 Managed MotorwaysProject Removal (Incorporated into I-15 project)Roadway1
UDOTDavisI-15 Interchange at Parrish Lane@ Parrish LaneProject Removal (Incorporated into I-15 project)Roadway1
UDOTSalt LakeI-15 Interchange at Warm Springs Road@ Warm Springs RoadProject Removal (Incorporated into I-15 project)Roadway1
UDOTDavisI-215 Interchange at I-15/US-89: Upgrade Interchange@ I-15/US-89Project Removal (Incorporated into I-15 project)Roadway1
UDOTDavisI-215 Interchange at I-15/US-89: System-to-System Interchange@ I-15/US-89Project Removal (Incorporated into I-15 project)Roadway1
UDOTBox ElderI-15WFRC's northern MPO boundary to US-91WideningRoadway1
Clearfield CityDavis1000 East Overhead Pedestrian/Bike Crossing@ SR-193Grade-Separated CrossingActive Transportation2
CoppertonSalt LakeBingham Creek TrailCopperton to Mountain View CorridorNew ConstructionActive Transportation2
Cottonwood HeightsSalt LakeEast Jordan Canal TrailHighland Drive to Mountainview ParkNew ConstructionActive Transportation2
Cottonwood HeightsSalt LakeEast Jordan Canal Trail Grade-Separated Crossing@ I-215Grade-Separated CrossingActive Transportation2
MagnaSalt LakeSR-111 Shared Use PathRiter Canal to 4100 SouthNew ConstructionActive Transportation2
MagnaSalt LakeCordero Drive Pedestrian Crossing@ SR-111At-Grade CrossingActive Transportation2
UDOTSalt LakeProvo Reservoir Canal/Welby Jacobs Canal11800 South to 13800 SouthNew ConstructionActive Transportation2
UDOTSalt LakeBingham Creek TrailJordan River to Bingham Creek Regional ParkNew ConstructionActive Transportation2
UDOTSalt Lake1300 West Jordan River ParkwayJordan River Parkway to Cinch WayNew ConstructionActive Transportation2
UTASalt LakeFrontRunner Grade-Separated Crossing at 900 South@ 900 South (SLC)New ConstructionRoadway2
MillcreekSalt Lake2000 EastAtkin Avenue to 3300 SouthOperationalRoadway2
MagnaSalt Lake4100 South ExtensionSR-111 to 0.3 miles west of SR-111New ConstructionRoadway2
West Valley CitySalt Lake6800 West5400 South to 6200 SouthNew ConstructionRoadway2
South Jordan CitySalt LakeBingham Rim Road5600 West to 11800 SouthNew ConstructionRoadway2
Draper CitySalt LakeBangerter Parkway150 East to 13800 SouthOperationalRoadway2

The following is the formal amendment process to the RTP, as adopted by the Council.

  1. A formal request (i.e., letter) submitted by a local community elected official or transportation agency planning or regional director is made from a city, county, UDOT, UTA, or the Utah State Legislature. Coordination prior to the formal request is recommended.
  2. WFRC Staff reviews and classifies the requests as one of the three levels, as shown in the graphic below.
  • Level 1, Staff Modification, can be amended by staff with no Council or Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) action, but does require WFRC Executive Director approval in coordination with FHWA and the Interagency Consultation Team.
  • Level 2, Board Modification for Non-Regionally Significant Projects, requires Council action and review by the Interagency Consultation Team, city planners, elected officials, and WFRC committees. Requires a 30-day public comment period and a conformity determination from FHWA but no air quality conformity analysis.
  • Level 3, Full Amendment for Regionally Significant Projects, requires Council action and review by the Interagency Consultation Team, city planners, elected officials, and WFRC committees. Requires a 30-day public comment period, air quality conformity analysis, and an air quality determination from FHWA.

For additional information regarding the RTP, please contact Jory Johner.

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