The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) developed the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Plan in 2009, in partnership with the jurisdictions it serves to substantially and permanently reduce the region’s vulnerability to natural hazards. The PDM Plan is intended to promote sound public policy and protect or reduce the vulnerability of the citizens, critical facilities, infrastructure, private property, and the natural environment within the region. This can be achieved by increasing public awareness, documenting resources for risk reduction and loss-prevention, and identifying activities to guide the development of a less vulnerable and more sustainable community.
The Broadband Plan was conducted in 2014 to assess the region’s broadband needs and develop a strategic plan for WFRC’s five-county region. The Plan will be used to advise the Governors Office of Economic Development (GOED), Utah Broadband Advisory Council (UBAC), as well as state and local officials, broadband providers, and users to help facilitate improvements in the adoption (use) and deployment (service and access) of broadband infrastructure in the region.