Image courtesy of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization.
All residents of the Wasatch Front should have access to the opportunities that are important to lead a productive, healthy, and fulfilling life.
WFRC, through its Council of elected officials and other community leaders, is committed to ensuring broad engagement and participation in WFRC planning and decision-making processes.
WFRC employs an Access to Opportunities framework as a primary lens to evaluate transportation, land use, and economic development initiatives. Providing access to opportunities is core to WFRC’s work. Accessibility means people are able to easily, efficiently, and safely reach key destinations including jobs, schools, healthcare, childcare, parks, places of worship, and grocery stores. Access to opportunities can be increased by providing quality transportation options and by coordinating housing, land use, and economic development with transportation. This can have significant impacts on overall community livability, while promoting individual and family upward economic mobility.