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Public Involvement

Communication with Stakeholders

In an effort to support the development of long- and short-range plans and programs, such as the Wasatch Choice 2050 (WC2050) Vision, Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), as well as participate in regionally significant transportation-related projects and studies, the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) strategically communicates with relevant stakeholders. This communication takes place across a wide variety of platforms and includes management of the following.

  • The WC2050 Consortium, in an effort to promote the Vision and ultimately improve the quality of life for residents along the Wasatch Front.
  • In-person and on-line events and tools, such as open houses, webinars, interactive maps, and visualization tools, in an effort to proactively plan for the future of our region.
  • Content for the website and all social media platforms, including FacebookTwitter, and YouTube, in an effort to continue to build relationships with cities, counties, transportation partners, community-based organizations, and the private sector.
  • E-mail newsletters, including distribution lists, and online surveys, in an effort to proactively notify stakeholders and interested parties of visions, plans, and programs, as well as upcoming events.

To sign up for WFRC’s monthly email newsletter or for additional information regarding public involvement, please contact Andrea Pearson.

Public Involvement and Outreach Procedures

Public Participation Plan (PPP)

WFRC has developed the Public Participation Plan (PPP) to be used in the development and adoption of the RTP, TIP, and Unified Planning Work Program, as well as other plans and programs. The PPP encourages residents of the Wasatch Front region to participate in the transportation planning and decision-making process.

ADA Effective Communication Policy

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, WFRC’s ADA Effective Communication Policy assists in identifying and implementing ways in which to provide reasonable accommodations and/or auxiliary services to persons with disabilities.

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan

The Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan outlines how to identify people who may need language assistance, the ways in which assistance may be provided, staff training that may be required, and how to notify LEP persons that assistance is available.

Equal Opportunity and Access at WFRC (Title VI)

In yesterday's Trans Com meeting, Kearns City presented on its Cougar Ln roadway project, aimed at improving mobility & safety, helping local residents and businesses. An example of funding recommended by Trans Com and approved by the WFRC Regional Council

This past Tuesday, members of the Wasatch Choice Community Advisory Committee engaged in an interactive dialogue aimed at enhancing awareness and understanding of the needs and priorities of our region's diverse communities and how it relates to the Regional Transportation Plan.

Yesterday's Active Transportation Committee meeting featured engaging discussions about walking, biking, and trails. For information about what WFRC is doing to support active transportation, click here:

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