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Advisors to the Council

The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) is an Association of Governments (AOG) organized under the Interlocal Cooperation Act of Utah State Law, to discuss and study community challenges of mutual interest and concern. It also serves as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Salt Lake and Ogden-Layton Urban Areas. The Council consists of 21 voting members, from Box Elder, Davis, Morgan, Salt Lake, Tooele, and Weber counties; the Utah Department of Transportation; and the Utah Transit Authority (UTA); as well as up to 7 non-voting members for the purpose of adding uniquely qualified individuals as additional resources.

The Council is responsible for the development and approval of the transportation master plans that govern the distribution of federal transportation funding in the Wasatch Front urban region. It also acts as a forum for discussion of region-wide issues including transportation, land use, economic development, changing demographics, and growth impacts, including air quality, water, and open space.

To assist and advise the Council in the performance of its duties, WFRC has set up the following committees to review and prepare actions for its consideration.

The Regional Growth Committee (RGC) is responsible for growth and long-range transportation planning concerns. It provides recommendations to the Council regarding the development of the Wasatch Choice Vision, amendments and updates to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), and the Transportation and Land Use Connection (TLC) program. The RGC is assisted by two technical advisory committees (TACs), made up primarily of city and county planners, representing the Salt Lake and Ogden-Layton Urban Areas.

The Transportation Coordinating Committee (Trans Com) reviews and makes recommendations regarding short-range transportation planning and programming issues, including the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Trans Com is assisted by two TACs, made up primarily of city and county engineers, representing the Salt Lake and Ogden-Layton Urban Areas.

The Active Transportation Committee (ATC) serves with the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG) to review, analyze, discuss, and recommend bicycle and pedestrian transportation needs throughout the region. Additionally, the committee coordinates all active transportation along the Wasatch Front and Back.

The Budget Committee advises the Council about budgets, work programs, audit reports, financial reports, and personnel policies, as well as makes recommendations to the Council for their approval.

The Wasatch Front Economic Development District (WFEDD) Strategy Committee supports economic development plans, promotes long-term economic competitiveness, and attracts federal monies to implement local plans. Additionally, the WFEDD guides the region’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.

WFRC also participates in committees involving outside organizations, including the Joint Policy Advisory Committee (JPAC), which has been established as a statewide interagency forum for transportation-oriented agencies. Additionally, WFRC regularly participates in and assists the councils of governments (COGs) from its respective member counties and the Morgan County Rural Planning Organization (RPO) and Tooele Valley RPO.

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