Air Quality | HB185 | Railroad ModificationsThis bill would require the Division of Air Quality to conduct an air emissions inventory at railyards in ozone nonattainment areas of the state (Wasatch Front) by September 30, 2025. This would require an inventory of all nitrogen, carbon, and particulate matter. DAQ would then be required to develop a reduction plan to reduce nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter to certain levels by December 31, 2027. | Clancy | TBD | 2 | - |
Air Quality | SB184 | Diesel Emissions Reductions AmendmentsThis bill would create an optional registration program for non-roadway diesel engine vehicles. The registration program would charge a $50 fee which would be deposited into the Environmental Mitigation Response fund. | Escamilla | Neutral | 3 | Held |
Air Quality | HB499 | Department of Enviornmental Quality AmendmentsThis bill makes several changes to the Air Quality Board, including requirements for appointed members. It would end the terms of certain board members in June of this year, and require the Governor appoint new members.Most notably, it would require that policy boards at DEQ including the Air Quality board, that creates a significant enviornmental quality rule would have to bring the rule before the Natural Resources interim or appropriations committee. It then would allow the Governor to call a special session to review and approve or reject the environmental quality rule. | Snider | Neutral | 3 | |
Air Quality | HB525 | Clean Truck AmendmentsThis bill prohibits a DMV from accepting new registrations for certain motor vehicles with a gross weight of more than 14,000 pounds manufactured before 2010. This is applicable in a major nonattainment county, meaning Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, and Utah Counties. It also provides a tax incentive ($4,000 up to 8,000) to purchase a clean heavy duty vehicle. | Cutler | TBD | 3 | |
Appropriations | HB006 | Transportation and Infrastructure Base BudgetThe Transportation and Infrastructure appropriations subcommittee base budget includes ongoing appropriations for a number of state functions or agencies, including the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT). WFRC also receives granted planning funding through this bill. | Welton | Support | 3 | Passed |
Appropriations | HB459 | Appropriations Subcommittee AmendmentsThis bill changes certain appropriations subcommittees, including changing the Infrastructure and General Government (IGG) subcommittee to the Transportation and Infrastructure Appropriations Subcommittee. | V. Peterson | Support | 3 | Passed House |
Housing / Land Use | SB023S1 | First Home Investment Zone AmendmentsThis bill makes a number of clarifying changes to the FHIZ statute, including: 1) Amends the definition of housing affordability to be defined by median gross income relative to the county area, and not by the municipal or county statistical area, 2) Allows an 80% COUNTY median home price owner occupancy exemption to be 80% of ZIP CODE median home price if the proposal demonstrates a deviation from county median home price will achieve FHIZ objectives, 3) Clarifies how exraterritorial homes may be included in density and owner-occupancy requirements by adjusting the formula, and 4) Clarifies what is included in the developable area and base year. | Harper | Support | 1 | Passed |
Housing / Land Use | SB026S1 | Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone AmendmentsThis bill makes a few technical changes to the HTRZ statute, including: 1) Amends the definition of housing affordability to be defined by median gross income relative to the county area, and not by the municipal or county statistical area, and 2) clarifies that tax increment may only be triggered up to three times per project. The first substitute adds additional provisions that: (3) 25% of dwelling units in an HTRZ must have more than one bedroom, (4) Clarifies the definition of commuter rail, (5) Requires that an HTRZ now demonstrates how the proposal meets certain objectives, rather than just promoting objectives, (6) Clarifies that the center of the radius as at the center of the platform, (7) extends the radius to 1/2 mile for a a second class city in an opportunity zone, and (8) requires certain notice be sent by December 31, instead of January 1st. | Harper | Support | 1 | Passed Senate |
Housing / Land Use | SB166 | Point of the Mountain State Land Authority AmendmentsThis bill would require that a private lessee on the POM land shall pay a privelage tax. The bill gradually reduces the amount of privelage tax paid in 10-year increment through 2064 when only 25% of the tax is collected, as opposed to 100% in 2025. | Stevenson | Neutral | 3 | Passed Senate Committee |
Housing / Land Use | SB181 | Housing Affordability AmendmentsThis bill creates the Olene Walker State Housing Fund from the previous Loan Fund and private activity bond program to consolidate administration of funds allocated to affordable housing across the state. The bill also amends parking and garage design standards. | Fillmore | TBD | 3 | Passed Senate Committee |
Housing / Land Use | SB250 | Community Development ModificationsThis bill (1) authorizes the inland port authority to provide revenue from a project area to a non-profit housing fund to assist low income families to achieve home ownership within a 15 mile radius of the project area, (2) authorizes a CRA to pay all of part of the housing allocation to a nonprofit to help individuals or families achieve home ownership, and (3) makes other changes related to Community Reinvestment Agency | Cullimore | Neutral | 3 | Passed Senate Committee |
Housing / Land Use | SB262 | Housing Affordability ModificationsThis bill most notably would be implemented by ordinance, making them binding. Additionally, the bill directs the Utah Housing Corporation to make rules regarding qualifications and procedures for financial institutions that provide certain mortgage loans to first-time homebuyers. It also enacts provisions related to residential overlay for the development of certain types of dwellings on certain lot sizes. | Fillmore | Oppose* | 3 | Passed Senate Committee |
Housing / Land Use | HB037S1 | Utah Housing Amendments1) creates an optional overlay tool for cities to provide a density bonus in exchange for units being affordable and owner-occupied; 2) seeks to improve data collection about housing, zoning, development, and infrastructure; 3) requires the creation of a statewide housing plan. | Dunnigan | TBD | 1 | Passed House Committee |
Housing / Land Use | HB088 | Housing Policy AmendmentsThis bill makes a number of changes related to housing and housing polices, including: (1) adjusting the frequency of Moderate Income Housing Plan (MIHP) reporting from every year to every three years, (2) allowing a single internal or external accessory dwelling unit (ADU) to be a permitted use in an urban municipality (1st or 2nd class county) if it is built on a lot with a detached single family home in a residential area, (3) does not allow a municipality to require larger setbacks than those of a single family home for an external ADU or have a larger setback than is required for safety purposes, and (4) Does not allow an urban municipality to prohibit a modular unit in a residential zone if it complies with certain standards. | Ward | TBD | 2 | Committee Held |
Housing / Land Use | HB175 | Housing Construction AmendmentsAmends language in the International Residential Code to change "one and two" family dwellings, to "one, two, three, and four family dwellings". This is likely intended to address missing middle housing. | Ward | TBD | 2 | Passed Senate Committee |
Housing / Land Use | HB090 | Zoning AmendmentsAllows a detached single family home built on a 4,000 sqft lot to be a permitted use in a residential zone of an urban municipality (within a 1st or 2nd class county). It also allows housing to be a permitted use in a commercial zone of an urban municipality. | Ward | TBD | 2 | Committee Held |
Housing / Land Use | HB360 | Housing Attainability AmendmentsThis bill makes a number of housing changes, including changes to the Utah Housing Corporation, authorizes a government entity to contract or partner with an entity for the development of affordable housing, and also allows a government entity to grant or convey land for the development of affordable housing. | Whyte | TBD | 3 | Passed House Committee |
Housing / Land Use | HB368 | Local Land Use AmendmentsThis bill includes a number of changes from the Land Use Task Force including Land use noticing, real property transfers, development standards, annexation, special districts, bonding, etc. | Whyte | TBD | 3 | Passed House Committee |
Misc. | SB254 | State Grant RevisionsThis bill makes follow up changes to HB335 of the 2024 Session, which provided requirements for granted state funds to local governments, nonprofits, etc. SB254 would require that additional information about directly granted funds should be included in the grants intent language. Those requirements include the disbursement schedule, performance metrics, reporting, and other requirements. | Escamilla | Neutral | 3 | Passed Senate |
Misc. | HB176 | County Classification AmendmentsThis bill changes population requirements for county classifications. First Class (1,000,000+), Second Class (250,000-999,999), Third Class (55,000 - 249,999), Fourth Class (15,000 - 54,999), Fifth Class (5,000 - 14,999), and Sixth Class (0-4,999). The bill further changes the definition of "rural counties" to exclude 3rd class counties with a municipality greater than 100,000. The bill also excludes a certain third class county from the Rural Transportation Infrastructure Fund. | Brooks | Neutral | 3 | Passed House Comm. |
Misc. | HB291 | Mayoral Recall Election AmendmentsThis bill establishes a procedure to conduct a recall election for the office of mayor. | Nelson | TBD | 2 | |
Misc. | HB321 | Utah Olympic AmendmentsThis bill modifies the olympic and paralympic games act to reflect the award of the 2034 games, and the shift from the bid committee to the organizing committee. The bill also makes the duties and coordination with the organizing committee and the legislative, "Games Committee", clear. Notably, the organizing committee must review host committee finances, public obligation to the games, and any contracts that legally bind the state. It also requires that a host committee director is appointed by the Governor, Speaker, and President. | Hawkins | Neutral | 3 | Passed House Committee |
Misc. | HB356 | County Governance AmendmentsThis bill makes changes to the county form of government by, (1) eliminating the expanded county commission form of government, (2) modifying the county commission form of government to specify that a commission may have three, five, or seven members, (3) modifies the process for changing the form of county government, and (4) enacts a provision for a study committee under a county legislative body | Teuscher | Support | 3 | Passed House Committee |
Misc. | HB379 | Population Data AmendmentsThis bill requies that when population estimates are available from the Utah Population Committee, that the UPC data is used instead of Census bureau estimates, unless required by federal law. This is required for various programs / funding allocations that currently use census date, including county classifications, local option transportation sales taxes, B&C road funds, etc. This bill also requires govermental entities to provide information to the population committee upon request. This bill may ultimately change the apportionment of certain funds given that UPC population data will be different from the Census. | Gricius | Neutral | 2 | |
Misc. | HB410 | Child Care AmendmentsThis bill makes various changes related to providing childcare. Notably, it authorizes the use of housing and transit reinvestment zone funds to include childcare facilities within the zone. | Miller | Neutral | 2 | Passed House Committee |
Misc. | HB465 | Law Enforcement Agency AmendmentsThis bill would require cities of the first class to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety to address homelessness issues. Notably, if the first class city does not enter into an agreement with DPS, certain funds can be witheld, including Class C road funds. | Snider | Oppose | 2 | Passed House Committee |
Taxation | HB456 | Transient Room Tax AmendmentsAllows counties to use transient room tax (TRT) funds to fund recreation-related facilities, including trails. It adjusts how counties allocate TRT funds, requiring those generating over $2M to spend the first 2% on tourism, recreation, film or convention activities while smaller counties have more flexibility. The bill also increases the TRT by 1%, directing 25% of the increase into a newly created Outdoor Recreation Mitigation Grant Fund, which will help smaller counties cover tourist related emergency costs. The Division of Outdoor Recreation will administer the fund and prioritize grant applications. | Bolinder | Neutral | 3 | Passed House Committee |
Transportation | SB096 | Advanced Air Mobility AmendmentsThis bill makes a number of changes related to advanced air mobility, including: (1) directing UDOT to conduct a community outreach and public education campaign on advanced air mobility, (2) directing UDOT to create an AAM toolkit for political subdivisions, including model ordinances, best practices, and other resources, and (3) adds definitions to code, including "flight information exchange", "Unmanned aircraft system service supplier", and "authoritative supplemental data service provider". | Harper | Support | 2 | Passed |
Transportation | SB174 | Transit and Transportation Governance AmendmentsThis bill makes a number of changes to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA). The bill adjusts the roles between the Board of Trustees, the Executive Director, and the Local Advisory Committee. The bill also requires that any fixed guideway capital development projects are under supervision of the Utah Department of Transportation, regardless of state funding being included, but allows UDOT to hand back any project to UTA that they believe is better suited to oversee it. | Harper | Support | 1 | Passed Senate |
Transportation | SB195 S3 | Transportation AmendmentsThis bill makes a number of changes to various transportation programs, and is regularly referred to as the "Transportation Omnibus". Some notable provisions include, (1) Clarifying station area planning (SAP) requirements by reporting on the status of the implementation plan every 5 years, (2) Requires cities to update the transportation and traffic circulation element of their general plan before July 1, 2027, to identify priority connections that remedy physical impediments such as water conveyances with the goal to enhance vehicle, transit, bicycle or pedestrian access . It also would require to identify funding sources and impediments to constructing the connections. It would require MPOs to report on these efforts, as well as the Grid Study, and would also allow for certain transportaiton funds to be prioritized for these connections. (3) Requires that property purchased by UDOT for transit remains in UDOT ownership, (4) Requires that UDOT and UTA should study human service transportation programs and plan to improve their efficiency, (5) Makes changes to a single project funded out of the County of the First Class Highway Projects fund, (6) Reinstates UDOTs litter mitigation funding, (7) Removes requirement that municipalities are required to maintain street lighting systems for state highways, and (8) makes a number of other technical and substantive changes. | Harper | TBD* | 1 | Passed Senate |
Transportation | SB253 | Railroad and Transportation AmendmentsThis bill makes a few changes to railroad functions, including removing oversight from the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food with livestock injured on railroad right of way. It also requires the railroad ombudsman to provide certain reports and complaints to rail companies. | Harper | Neutral | 3 | Passed Senate Committee |
Transportation | SB306 | Convention Center Investment AmendmentsThis bill would make changes related to revitalizing the Salt Lake City Convention Center. Specifically, it would allow Salt Lake County to use the county portion (.05%) of the 4th Quarter .20% local option sales tax for expenditures related to revitalization of the convention center and related projects including land acquisition costs, commercial development, housing, etc. It also would require GOEO to pay affected hotels with certain qualified losses from events $2.1M. Lastly this bill would move a portion of a state highway to Salt Lake City's jurisdiction. | McCay | Neutral | 2 | |
Transportation | HB026 | Road Jurisdiction AmendmentsThis is the annual bill that adds or removes certain road segments as state highways. | Peterson, K | Support | 3 | Passed |
Transportation | HB162 | Transportation Funding AmendmentsThis bill makes changes to the 2nd and Fifth-Fifth local option sales taxes. In HB488 (2024), the 2nd quarter was amended to allow 3-6th class counties to use revenues for public safety uses. The same bill allowed 1st class counties to use county portion 5th quarter revenues for public safety. HB162 specifes what public safety expenses revenues could be used for, including infrastructure, vehicles, and equipment, and prohibiting expenses like compensation and personnel. | Shipp | Neutral | 3 | Passed House Comm. |
Transportation | HB198S1 | Highway Expansion on Signage AmendmentsThis bill would allow a billboard to be relocated on either side of the same highway if it must be relocated due to road widening, construction, or reconstruction, and is not limited to a proximity of ~500 feet from the original location. The first substitute makes additional changes regarding proximity to the original sign. We expect this bill to change in its form again. | Peterson, V. | TBD | 3 | Passed House Comm. |
Transportation | HB229 | Transportation Funds AmendmentsThis bill further defines corridor preservation to mean the path or proposed path of a transportation facility that exists or may exist. Transportation facilities may include highways or transit fixed guideway. | Christofferson | Support | 1 | Passed Senate Committee |
Transportation | HB290 | Bicycle Lane Safety AmendmentsThis bill prohibits driving or parking within designated bike lanes with the exceptions of turning, emergency or service vehicles. Designated bike lanes are not shared shared lanes for both motor vehicles and bicycles, but are bike lanes designated through striping, signage, pavement, barriers, etc. The bill also requires cities and UDOT to minimize bike lane obstructions from construction when possible or provide a detour. | Mauga | Support | 1 | Passed Senate Committee |
Transportation | HB429 | Transportation Funding Alignment AmendmentsThis bill makes a few small, but impactful changes to transportation funding. Currently, state law transfers 17% of the state sales tax into the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF). Additionally, there is an ongoing appropriation of $330M into the TIF. HB429 increases the percentage to 24% and eliminates the $330M appropriation. This change has no immediate revenue impact, in that it simply converts the annual transfer into a percentage. But it does create more certainty for future infrastructure investment planning. It will also allow for the investment to grow over time as the economy grows. The bill also ends an annual transfer of funding from the Transportation Fund (from motor fuel tax) to the Transportation Investment Fund, equal to the revenue from 1.8 cents per gallon (approximately $35M annually). This will enable UDOT to focus motor fuel tax funding on maintenance and preservation activities. | V. Peterson | Support | 2 | |
Transportation | HB454 | Local Government Fees ModificationsThis bill closely mirrors HB367 from Rep. Karen Peterson in the 2024 Legislative Session which spelled out the parameters by which a municipality could impose a transportation utility fee (TUF). The TUF parameters would require adequate process and transparency in imposition, including public notifications, and require the fee to be at a reasonable level tied to a city study that evaluates varying classes of road users and ties the fee to their utilization and impacts on the city road network. HB454 makes a few additional changes, allowing for a differential rate for certain users, including “house of worship” users that generate use of transportation facilities three or fewer days of the week. It also amends when a public safety utility fee may be imposed. | K. Peterson | Support | 1 | Passed House Committee |
Transportation | HB471 | Transportation Procurement AmendmentsThis bill allows the Utah Department of Transportation to enter into interstate compacts and cooperative agreements for the procurement of transit vehicles. | Roberts | Support | 3 | Passed House Committee |
Transportation | HB502 | Transportation and Infrastructure Funding AmendmentsThis bill allocates $1.7M in funds in the County of the First Class Highway Projects Fund for improvements to Prosperity Road between Crimson View Drive and Copper Hawk Drive. | Teuscher | Neutral | 2 | Passed House Committee |
Transportation | HB523 | Rio Grande Plan AmendmentsThis bill creates the Rio Grande Financial Advisory Authority working group to identify potential funding sources for the Rio Grande Plan. The Rio Grande Plan is a citizen proposal to return rail service to the Rio Grande Depot as the central train station in SLC, by notably eliminating all at grade rail crossings. The advisory authority working group would include a member from the House of Representatives, Senate, Olympic Committee, UTA, UDOT, WFRC, ULCT, GOEO, and various SLC community councils. It would also require WFRC to chair the working group. It would require consultation with railroad companies, and would require reporting on recommendations to various entities. | Dailey Provost | Neutral | 2 | |
BILL FILE | | Transportation Modifications | Harper | | | |
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BILL FILE | | Utah Fairpark Area Investment and Restoration District Modifications | Wilcox | | | |
BILL FILE | | Tax Increment Financing Amendments | McCay | | | |
Misc. | HB533 | County Formation AmendmentsThis bill provides an opportunity for municipal legislative bodies within Salt Lake County to colelctively initiate a process to create a new county, if their combined populations would be at aleast 333,000. It would allow certain rural/unincorporated areas to remain in the original county, would require a feasibility study to be completed to assess cost/benefit of a new county, and identifies how taxes and assets would be divided between the existing and new county. | Teuscher | TBD* | 3 | |