Other Model Updates

Provo Airport

Version 9.1.0 inserts travel to/from the Provo Airport (PVU) by updating the 2_ModelScripts/0_InputProcessing/d_TripTable/1_TripTable.s and 2_ModelScripts/2_TripGen/1_TripGen.s scripts. The 0GeneralParameters.block file was also updated to include the PVU zone number parameter.

The TripTableControlTotal.csv file, located in the 1_Inputs/0_GlobalData/0_TripTables folder, was expanded to include trip totals by year for the Provo Airport. Figure 1 shows the calculated control total for the number of trips attracted to the Provo Airport compared to those attracted to the Salt Lake City Airport (SLC). The number of trips attracted to the Provo Airport were estimated using a ratio calculated from the SLC control totals as well as data from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Figure 1: Number of Trips by Airport and Year

The BaseDistribution.csv file, located in the 1_Inputs/0_GlobalData/0_TripTables folder, was also expanded to include trip totals produced by zone for the Provo Airport. Figure 2 shows the base distribution of trips going to/from the Provo airport. This distribution was calculated using trip data from StreetLight.

Figure 2: Base Trip Distribution by Zone for PVU

“1_NetProcessor” Script

The 1_NetProcessor.s script was adjusted to accommodate new Python scripts, segment direction updates, reliability lane updates, and other bug fixes.

Segment Direction

The link direction logic was updated to align with segment direction. All links that fall within a segment adopt the cardinal direction of the overarching segment. For example, in Figure 3 the segment (orange) has a northbound/southbound direction. All model links (blue) associated with this segment will also have a northbound/southbound despite several links within the segment being oriented more east/west.

Figure 3: Segment and Link Direction Alignment

The segment direction code was added to the ip_UpdateNetwork_WalkBuffers.py script where it creates a temp scenario network with the DIRECTION field calculated. The temp scenario network is then read in for reference downstream.

Reliability Lanes

Reliability lane capacity calculations were moved to the 1_NetProcessor.s script. The link level outputs were updated to include the RelCap1Hr field as well as fields for period specific capacities. A new parameter Rel_LN_Toggle was added to the 0GeneralParameters.block file that acts as a switch to allow the user to determine if using reversible lanes adds lanes for the peak direction or repurposes off-peak direction lanes. Downstream scripts were updated to reflect these changes.

Bug Fixes

The 1_NetProcessor script was updated to fix minor errors in the following calculations:

  • Charge point code was updated to ensure that links were tagged with the correct charge point ID.
  • Fixed a minor bug in the general purpose ramp ID classification.
  • FT 39 was removed from the HOT speed calculation.

Other Minor Updates

Various inputs and outputs were renamed to comply with the new model file naming convention determined by the Interagency Modeling Technical Committee (IMTC).