Household Disaggregation and Auto Ownership

Several changes were made to clean up and fix minor errors in the household disaggregation and auto ownership scripts:

  • Added Box Elder Vehicles to the totals calculated for the ‘VO_Tmp_CountyVehicleTotal.txt’ file in the ‘3_AutoOwnership.s’ file.
  • Corrected VO_DebugUtility.csv header row in ‘3_AutoOwnership.s’ to keep it from repeating. Commented out debug csv creation.
  • Corrected AVGINCOME in ‘Tmp_Marginal_Income_beforeIPF.dbf’.
  • Commented out ‘test.csv’ creation in ‘2_ModelScripts\1_HHDisag_AutoOwn\1_LifeCycle.s’.
  • Corrected CO_TAZID in ‘LifeCycle_Households_Population.dbf’ in ‘2_ModelScripts\1_HHDisag_AutoOwn\1_LifeCycle.s’.
  • Updated ‘Lookup - BYTAZAgePct - AllCo.csv’ and source materials (’_TAZ_AgePct_Lookup_Source - 2020-06-23.xlsb’) in ‘1_Inputs\0_GlobalData\1_HHDisag_AutoOwn’. This update reflects the updated source materials structure in the statewide spreadsheet and updated data for Summit/Wasatch counties and UDOT area. The Wasatch Front area data did not change.