
Version 9.0.2 reflects the Amendment #1 changes to the WFRC & MAG Regional Transportation Plans (adopted May/June 2024).

The model processes and parameters in version 9.0.2 are the same as version 9.0.0 and version 9.0.1. Version 9.0.2 includes all the highway, transit, and segment maintenance and clean-up work completed up through version 9.0.1-patch2 (06-24-2024).

Changes to the model inputs in version 9.0.2 include updates to the highway and transit networks, as well as the creation of a few new folders and files that serve as resources.

Model comparisons between version 9.0.2 and version 9.0.1-patch2 were created to demonstrate the location and magnitude of roadway volume and transit ridership differences.