Assignment Output Folder

Subfolders were added to the final assignment folder, ‘5_AssignHwy’, in the scenario output folder to keep assignment output more organized. The new folders are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: New assignment folder structure.

The ‘0_ConvergeReports’ folder contain the highway assignment convergence reports. These reports were previously written to the assignment temp folder. The ‘1_ODTables’ contain the output of the ‘01_Convert_PA_to_OD.s’ script. The binary ‘.NET’, loaded network files are found in ‘2a_Networks’ and their shapefile equivalents are found in ‘2b_Shapefiles’. The network and matrix output from select link analyses are found in ‘3_SelectLink’. Segment summaries from the new segment processing script are found in ‘4_Summaries’. The period skims produced form the final loaded network travel times are found in ‘5_FinalNetSkims’.