v901-patch2 Update (2024-06-24)

Changes to Input Files

  • Changes to v9.0.1-patch 2 include: Minor edits to the segment shapefile
  • Minor edits to the highway & transit networks
  • Rename input files

Segment Shapefile Edits

The segment shapefile was edited to better visualize bus ridership around rail stations and to fix minor errors. Edits include splitting and adjusting segment geometry and updating related fields in the attribute table.

Highway & Transit Network Edits

Two rail station connector links in the highway network (Farmington commuter rail station and Jordan Valley light rail station on the Red Line) were updated to better reflect station access. Subsequent edits were made to the transit line node strings in the transit line files to ensure the transit network compiled on the highway network. The transit network was also updated for model years 2028 and beyond to better reflect the stops and alignment of the 5600 West core bus route.

Rename Input Files

The filenames of the TAZ, Segments, Factor Geographies, and Highway Network were renamed slightly to comply with the updated model file naming convention determined by the IMTC. In addition, the Control Center files were updated to match any filename changes