Energy Resources

Public and private utilities draw upon renewable and nonrenewable resources to provide electric and fuel (natural gas, propane, oil, gasoline) energy supplies.

Related resources topics for county planning include:



Map of Data

Download mxd The ESRI mxd file of the services used to create the above map.

Resource Information

The governor’s 10-year Strategic Energy Plan describes Utah’s energy goals and recommendations.[1]

The Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining provides maps and data including:

  • The Utah Coal Program website provides a public records coal map and an interactive story map.
  • The Oil and Gas Program website has interactive maps and data of Utah oil production.

Best Management Practices

The following are examples of goals and policies that may be included in a county’s resource management plan to address energy resource issues. Most of these examples come from existing county, state, and federal plans; other examples can be found in the referenced plans and other resources listed below.

Alternative Energy/Renewable Resources

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

  • Communities need to adopt strategies and programs targeted toward infrastructure that reduces energy consumption.[4]
  • Public transportation provides energy efficient travel for large numbers of people.[4]
  • Because buildings use one third of all energy consumed in the United States and two thirds of all electricity, using “green” building design can have a major impact on the amount of energy a community consumes.[7]
  • Change building codes to make homes more efficient by allowing passive and active solar heat in new commercial and residential constructions.
  • Promote the use of renewable sources of energy, and encourage recycling and clean waste disposal methods in order to reduce the overall ecological footprint of the township and its residents.[8]

Energy for Growth/Community Planning

  • Assemble an energy advisory committee to develop an overview of issues and recommendations with respect to community energy-use patterns and transportation.[4]
  • People provided with facts on energy sustainability have a better understanding of energy-related issues and are more likely to become part of the solution.[6]
  • Achieve and maintain a continuing yield of energy and mineral resources from public lands.[9]

Economic Considerations

  • Current information and reports are available from the Utah Governor’s Office of Energy Development. A key resource addressing economic issues is the May 2015 report, Energy and Energy-Related Mining in Utah.
  • Utah energy quick facts are available from the US Energy Information Administration.
  • In planning, consider all possible forms of renewable energy that can be developed in Utah, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, and biomass. These projects create revenue and jobs. In the third quarter of 2015, Utah created more clean energy jobs than any other state, nearly 3,000. The government offers many incentives to those who develop renewable energy sources.[10]
  • In 2013 energy employment generated $2.853 billion in wages. The energy sector generated state and local taxes, fees, and royalties of $656 Million.[11]

The many datasets in the map and data download sections can be used to identify areas of the county with existing or potential energy production by type of energy.

Impact Considerations

  • Energy development projects on public lands may affect sensitive wildlife and other resources.
  • Decisions to permit energy development projects on federal lands must be consistent with applicable resource management plans and likely require environmental impact evaluation under the National Environmental Policy Act.

Data Download
  GIS Data Map Service Web Map Document  Tabular Data  Website
Data NameData ExplanationPublication DateSpatial AccuracyContact
State Fuel Sites
Fuel distribution and storage locationsunknownunknownunknown
Renewable Energy Zones - Geothermal, Solar, Wind
Data package01/18/2013variousUtah Renewable Energy Zone (UREZ) Task Force
U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA)
Energy-related information for National, State and Local areas.12/01/2015
U.S. Energy Information Agency
Utah Oil Gas Tabular Data
Statistical data on drilling, production, and other contentvariousvariousUtah Division Oil, Gas, and Minerals (DOGM)
Utah Oil and Gas Map
Oil and Gas - Wells, Fields, Units from DOGM hosted at AGRCWells updated weekly, Fields 5/15/13, Units 10/16/13VariousUtah Division Oil, Gas, and Minerals (DOGM)
Energy Generation - Location, CO2 production, Fuel Type
Power plant locations01/18/2013unknownState of Utah
Tar Sands
Tar Sand locations01/18/2013UnknownAGRC
Coal Deposit Areas
Utah Coal Mines, Deposits, and Leases Locations06/08/2015unknownUtah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining (DOGM)
State lands energy and mineral plat maps
SITLA oil and gas plat map, coal plat map, and others mineralsunknownunknownState of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA).
GIS Group
Land Ownership
Surface Land Ownership; use Admin field to identify administrative agencyUpdated Weekly1:24,000State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA).
GIS Group


  1. Utah Office of Energy Development. 2014. Energy Initiatives & Imperatives: Utah’s 10-Year Strategic Energy Plan 2.0, February.
  2. Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks and Recreation. 2009. Antelope Island State Park Resource Management Plan.
  3. Salt Lake County. 2012. Emigration Canyon Township General Plan, Public Review Final Draft, May.
  4. Salt Lake County. 2012. Kearns Township General Plan. Adopted September 11.
  5. Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey. 2009. Utah Renewable Energy Zones Task Force Phase I Report, Renewable Energy Zone Resource Zone Identification.
  6. Wild Utah Project. 2012. Best Management Practices for Siting, Developing, Operating, and Monitoring Renewable Energy in the Intermountain West, March.
  7. Salt Lake County. 2012. Magna Township General Plan. Adopted September 11.
  8. Salt Lake County. 2012. Millcreek Township General Plan. Adopted September 11.
  9. Tooele County. 2008. Tooele County General Plan.
  10. American Council on Renewable Energy. 2014. Renewable Energy in Utah.
  11. Utah Governor’s Office of Energy Development. 2016. Energy Overview. Website accessed: 2/17/16.